CARLOS A. P. ANDRADE Muxima October 10, 2023



Carlos Andrade is a Principal Researcher at ARDITI – Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Madeira, Portugal, and a member of MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre/ARNET—Aquatic Research Network.  He holds an M.Sc. degree in Aquatic Resource Management from the King´s College, University of London (1988), and a Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Aquaculture from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (2012).

He has considerable experience in training courses for Aquaculture and has supervised various MSc and PhD thesis.

His sound training and experience in all major taxonomic groups used in aquaculture and his aquatic resource planning background took him to participate in technical commissions for coastal zone management plans and marine aquaculture development plans. He has been coordinator and PI of European-funded research and technical development projects with  industrial partners, involving new aquaculture species, sustainable production systems, and integration of aquaculture facilities with other marine space users. His present research interests lie in the development of methods and technologies for the sustainable production of low-trophic aquatic species both in laboratories and at large oceanic farming facilities. Also of his interest is the evaluation of alternative sustainable feed and compound feed ingredients as part of the circular economy goal.

ORCID:  0000-0002-8166-0013
Ciência Vitae: 2114-4D4F-67A7
Google Scholar: Carlos Andrade