Pedro Pousão-Ferreira Muxima Outubro 3, 2023

Pedro Pousão-Ferreira


Pedro Pousão-Ferreira is a biologist, senior researcher and expertise in aquaculture in IPMA. He is responsible for the Aquaculture Research Station in Olhão. He has more than 35 years’ experience on the reproduction (hatchery), larval rearing, nutrition, ongrowing and production of bass, sole, meagre, grouper and 6 species of breams on in-shore (earth ponds) and on offshore (cages). He has participated in 88 national and international research projects. Member of Scientific Review Panel of Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI) and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Member of External Scientific Review Panel (ESRP) of AKDN (Aga Khan foundation).

He has 180 papers in international scientific periodicals with referees, 27 peer-reviewed short papers, 419 communication/posters in scientific meetings and workshops, 4 manuals, 6 book chapters and 1 technical book. Is also Professor of Aquaculture at the University of Porto  (ICBAS) since 2000 and was Professor of marine larviculture and aquaculture at the University of Algarve (2011-2013). Presently is also President of the Scientific Council of IPMA.



Ciência ID: 5A11-AB29-0849
SCOPUS AUTHOR ID: 6506349877
Researcher ID: H-3689-2014
ORCID: 0000-0001-6746-764X