FLORBELA SOARES Muxima Outubro 3, 2023



Dr. Florbela Soares is a Senior Researcher at IPMA – Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and Atmosphere – since 2009.

She has been teaching in several courses focused on Marine Aquaculture, Fish Diseases, and Animal Welfare and leads the Laboratory of Marine Fish Pathologies at  EPPO/IPMA- Aquaculture Research Station and S2AQUA Colab.

Her research interests focus on Marine Fish Diseases diagnosis, Fish welfare, Fish Hematology, and immunology. Some of hers most important contributions include, Cytotoxic and Hemolytic Activities of Extracts of the Fish Parasite Dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum and Stress effects of amyloodiniosis in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata).  Currently, she leads several projects  including SAUDE&AQUA and VERTICAL ALGAS-PRR aiming (Fish pathologies diagnosis and the study of life cycle and mitigation measures of marine fish ectoparasites, such as Amyloodinium and Monogenea. Also the development of new products or tools for mitigation the pathogens occurrence in marine fish) and (Mitigation of Monogenea eggs occurrence  with the use of macroalgae extracts), respectively. Participation in the project BIOBANCOS-PRR  that aims to maintain and characterize pathogens like marine fish bacteria and parasites.


Email: fsoares@ipma.pt

Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.pt/citations?user=pX6wpVEAAAAJ&hl=pt-PT
ORCID: 0000-0001-6075-2472
Ciência ID: 3712-F883-D9F7
SCOPUS: 35883720000